What is that you really want!

Indeed…. Movies are the greatest influencers these days… this trimester has been extremely relaxing (even before and after getting placed)… so I got a chance to experience all genres of movies and appreciate all those varieties…

Today I was watching this movie, "The Devil Wears Prada"…. And I began to realize what I saw in most of the movies… and even books or speeches given by great leaders. And that great holy theme given by all these various modes is to “Follow your Heart” and “Do what you REALLY wanna do!” (simple...is it?)

But the major issue here is to understand what u wanna do actually… I did engineering just coz all those toppers were opting for engg… I mean that was the stage where I cud ve changed my wheel… bt rather I wanna be competitive… so I followed the graceful wind… as a result, I never enjoyed my subjects in engg thoroughly… 4 years of life!(puffff...)

I feel it’s actually very difficult to understand what is it that wud make u feel elated and exhilarated.. But atleast u can decide if u wanna do the current task at all?? If u wanna take up this choice at all?? Its easy by eliminating options ahead…. And may be some day we will understand what is that we are made for…. Just may be… Even m playing the role for assumptions and suppositions… n yea, MBA is definitely a better outcome with my wisdom of hindsight… I hope very soon I cud say… “Yes! This is it!!” :)


HaRy!! said...

i guess i never really enjoyed the 60 subjects in 4 years of Eng as well !


Chapters From My Life said...

I am still thinking over what I want to do and doing it ... only I am not consistent ;)
The funny part was when I decided that I did not want to marry the person on the day of the wedding. Off course I was coaxed into it LOL

Divya Khanna said...

@ Farila: oh my!!! but u r happy now... so its nt a very wrong decision...

n comin to what u really wanna do... Life is a Quest... so keep searching :)

Akanksha said...

It was sure a great movie! :)
Following ur heart is sometimes difficult..Once u strt being a part of rat race, it is almost impossible to opt out of it:(

Anyways, hope u find ur thing soon! Take care and keeep writing!

Tulika said...

Yeah true,

Yesterday I was watching a video by TED in which Steve Job was giving a talk to Stanford University Graduates.

He said "Keep looking. Don't settle."

Indeed. Life is all about finding the thing you Enjoy the most. And then enjoying it all the more when you do it it ultimately.

Best wishes to you... :)

Animesh said...

Nice first post. I would say that in addition to following your heart, give your full attention to whatever you are doing at the moment -- that helps :).

Welcome again to the blogosphere.

P.S. Came here thru Khanna's twitter feed.

Soumya said...

You can be exhilarated in your job only if u r passionate towards it , e.g. Sachin. Not anyone would be able realise such passion, thats when we end following the crowd. e.g. Me :D:D

Shriti said...

'am doing the same thing in my life :(

Suresh Kumar said...

To be frank, I have masters degree. But I am still clueless as to what really I want in life.

Krishna said...

I think u are a big movie fan.... so would recommend u to watch UTV world movies... especially on saturday nights around 11.30 pm (they say after your 8.30 pm movie)..they give the best of hollywood at that slot..sad that we have to wake up till 1.30 midnight.. :(

And abt spending 4 yrs engg...do you really mean what you told..

I mean, now a days it a 'cool' thing to really trash 4 yrs of engg after completing engg. Even i agree that most of us simply join the crowd of toppers to join engg.. But how better are other fields... Atleast here there are lot of oppurtunities... will have a company of equally talented people.

No offence meant to non-engineers.. but how many non-engineering students were forced to take up other streams coz of their less marks rather that by choice. Max 10-15% rite..

My point here is that unless u are really interested in some other field like Journalism,Law,Art etc etc....engg is the best option...
Here the market is huge.....

Most of the engg students i've met hav loads and loads of happy memories of engg life( i guess even u would hav)... but still end up trashing engg... Y be so much hypocratic...

Is it because the subjects are really tough?? didnt we know engg subjects would be tough before we joined there.

Besides that, suppose you had chosen some other field that i've mentioned above...how successful u would've been.... in other fields there are very less oppurtunities...so only those ppl who are really good in that stream end up being successful....the second string ppl go to dustbin...end up in much bigger mess...

Thats not the case with engg...even if you are not the best...u still have space available for you to survive....

Sorry for such a long comment... :)just thought of sharing my views...

Divya Khanna said...

hey,.. no offence taken.. bt jus wanna clarify

i ve seen many ppl with successful backgrounds... and i knw v ve constraints... n my blog says that v shud never stop doin wat v want... n yea, i did not enjoy my engg ... same mite nt be the case with u..

i understand ur perception in AP... bt its nt the same in whole India/ world... ur scene jus talks abt settlement in life n all... even i got settled so far... bt i think i need sumthn else... n there shud be chase for that

Divya Khanna said...

and enjoying engineering life is not equal to enjoying engineering itself!

The Furobiker said...

@krishna - people remember the engineering days because of fun with friends..people trash engg coz what they teach there is total bullshit! No hypocricy at all!

our educatiion system is 50 years behind as compared to foreign universities. all we do is mug up one night before and vomit in the exam. so its utterly useless..

everyone does his bachelor course to pacify the parents and relatives generation.. i hav rarely seen anyone doing their bachelors degree of their initerest

MangoMan said...

could relate sooo much!!

dunno wot to do and dun love what we're doin...welcome to the club!!

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