Dogs Everywhere....

well, here goes wat it feels like bitten by a dog!!!
it was in my 8th std... first session for the afternoon slot khatham... every1 was so loooking forward to history class(well, there was reason behind tht :P)....v had trip to some monumental site tht weekend... i dunno wat prompted me to get up and give gyan to the class... bt tht very moment changed my life in terms of developing extreme antipathy towards tht so-called-doggie-community....
there was this dog...supposedly "school-dog".... token for loyality...huh...every student was under the assumption tht "this dog never bites only sleeps n flirts wid female version of it" indeed, every1 had to morphe theirmindsets.... n i m here noway feeling so grateful making the history :(
ths dog has special entry to class rooms... as i was giving the so called instructions... some1 asks me to jot downthe places v wud be visitng...very genuine... bt i considering too smart myself... started moving towards theblack-board wid my back facing the same...
there comes da dog and here i move back... had some1 interrupted me, it wudn ve happened... this whole disaster.. btno, every1 was excited n literally waiting...looking at the dog n me for action to take cruel!!! n yea,the obvious occured... an incident changed to accident... that lazy dog finally succeeded takin the throne of dog kingdom by biting a human...
on the other hand, i felt sudden strike n thts it... no pain the reaction bound to happen, though delayed...i had this terrible pain for next 4days on my leg... on top oftht...."did a dog bite u???!!!" was the Q i hated the most... n more than nethn else... the worst "injections"...huh!!! God, save me, lil kid....
u mus be wondering y on earth i got this today... may be i was missing the dog... can it be!!! ever?!!! bt today,wen i was out wid Abhi(who is equally scared of "this community"), we witnessed 2 dogs fighting somwhere away....n in a few seconds,before v cud realise wat was happening arnd, the dogs were jus next to us barking and fighting...for almost 10sec,my heart skipped beating...
well, its definitely nt a great experience wid dogs... n i dont think i wud ever try considering them loyal.. i knwall dogs are nt da same... bt then its completely ingrained notion which is gettin flourished day-by-day.... here i end as i dun wanna get into psychology sessions abt human behavior :P


Unknown said...

lolz.. badi hio jao ab to..
still scared of dogs :O :O

Amrita said...

hehe i was bitten by a dog prettttty badly when i was in cls 1 or so...
in fact it was so bad tht one of the dogs tooth had to be extracted from my leg.. but some how i cant help not loving dogs :)

I'll try 2 be truthful said...

i wasnt bitten by a dog but was chased by 1 dog , & by god i must've run faster than P.T. usha :p :p :P

Scribblers Inc said...

I have had dogs...they are generally nice creatures if left in the right frame of mind...

Scribblers Inc.

kapil.ricky said...

i still wonder whether poor dog survived or not :( :(

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