"Gravity" less!!
Star gazing was one of my favorite activities in my school days... A bunch of friends used to gather at one of the houses... shift the mattresses to the terrace and endlessly look at the sky... sometimes with the telescope and sometimes the naked eye... And what a fun it was!!! Inexplicable and indescribable!! The long nights with never-ending stories on how does the rest of the Universe look like? Do the aliens exists? Do we have atmosphere on the moon? Where does God live in this space? etc. No answers but lengthy discussions each pouring out their own visions.

A day before watching the movie, I got an email from bookmyshow giving it 4 stars... These days with pathetic movies like besharam. shudh desi romance n etc, I was surprised which movie could that be! I made my decision to watch it the moment I saw it was a Sci-fi movie + Sandra Bullock. Having George Clooney in it is like adding "garam masala" to chicken biryani... Small in quantity but changes the whole flavor of it!
The movie experience was flawless to me more with the emotions and excitement carried on since my kiddo days... After Life of Pi, this movie had the graphics that are to be watched only on 3D! (4D or 5D would have been lot better though :-P) At some points, I literally thought I was floating, specially when she gets hit by the satellite debris for the first time. She just keeps spinning and spinning until the astronaut suits makes a friction for itself to slow down at some point. It feels like you are falling into a deep abyss. It was a relief when she finally slows down and Mr. Clooney responds!
There were a few flaws... go on the internet or wikipedia, you will find so many of them... But to me one part that was not in-line with the rest of the awesomeness was the jump to the China Station, Shenzhou. She first jumps from Soyuz to the vacant space and then gets into the Shenzhou with ease. This transition should have been directed with greater details and technicalities. It looked very abrupt, in fact fake and out of sync with the rest of the movie. This made me give a 4 to the movie which was otherwise a full 5!
The closure, when Stone lands and loses her control due to gravity was a perfect ending!! The movie clearly showed the four year long patience for its release, all the hard-work put in by Sandra Bullock as she was constantly either floating or spinning and beautiful graphics which took the viewers' breath away in the movie halls. And may be "Silence" is the best thing sometimes ;-)
"The Sky is the limit only for those who aren't afraid to fly"
Thats really a great movie!! Nd imax wid much more great experience!!
Totally agree... witnessed oohs and aahs in the theater!!
After reading this brilliant fantafabulos review.. I am gonna watch the movie this weekend..
Now I'll watch it too! :D
Yup..good movie. Liked the first scene very much where in the background we hear GC voice and slowly we see the big Explorer with two astros doing spacewalk..super scene. Thrilled by the taking of that scene.
Clooney's role was good, its hard to stay so cool even before dying.
I loved the movie too :D
All of us are floating away in life despite our many losses .. only to see the beautiful sun rise each morning :)
Wonderful movie! It's really a treat. But I recommend 'Contact' If you're more of a space fan :-)
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Good review... seems now i have to see it! :)
Very well written Review Divya.
I loved this movie 'coz of all the awesomeness that it had.
Felt as if we were not just watching it but experiencing it!:D
This gravity truely pulls you towards it in all possible ways:)
The movie has been on my watch list. Will catch it this week.
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