Fools Day!

Well, fortunately or unfortunately..... my birthday falls on THE FOOLS DAY!
When i was a kid i used to go to every other class in a fancy dress with a frnd of mine(in a skool dress) to distribute chocs to teachers... n they always n always used to wonder if they gettin fooled or wat!... initially i was so pissed off with my birth date... but later i have realised that its important to be born on such vital dates as every1 can remember me even if m nt arnd... so m all happy nw :D :D

Well just to highlight the importance of the day... here are a few interesting facts about my birthday :)
  • April fools day is banned in Zimbabwe as there are already enuf tensions in the region with ever-growing inflation rates (i think currently its around 1lakh or more).
  • Traditionally, the jokes only last until noon. If you play a trick on someone after this time you are the April Fool(miiind it! :D :D)
  • It is also called All Fools Day.. so needn be only the ones who are born on the day are fools ;)
  • There was a confusion between French and Julian calendars in the 16th century... as Romans kept Jan 1st as the start of the year and the French preferred closer to Easter as the beginning of new year... but in the end French were kept in the mood of romance and changed their thoughts to Fools Day :P
  • In the Nun's Priest's Tale(14th century), Chaucer talked about 32 days after March. But readers misunderstood the line and read it as March 32 which is April 1st.

The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors... So its more to bring smiles on faces......Keeping facts aside..... lemme end the blog with a joke for my blogger friends:

U R the one who is CHARMING

U R the one who is INTELLIGENT
U R the one who is CUTE and
I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS. :) :) :)


The Furobiker said...


happy fools day!

Lovely Krishna said...

Now that after having gone thru this far fetched logic of urs, I will promise you not to forget ur b'day anytime ever and my belated b'day wishes to you! :)

Sid said...

Just dropped in here... interesting read :)

Shriti said...

belated happy birthday :P

Suresh Kumar said...

Belated happy birthday and I am definitely going to use that joke as a sms forward :)

Soumya said...

By the way , the lady with you used to be Madhuri ..rgiht? :P

Mohan said...

Belated happy birthday ;) and hope you had a great fools day :p

Tulika said...


Heyy Belated Happiee Birth Day !!

(missed it.. sorry).

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Divya,

very true, i have a friend whose bday falls on fools day, and even if i forget any b,day, this one i dont, it just comes to my mind, so u would be lucky as ul never lose out on gifts for ur bday...
Belated bday wishes... :)
btw, that was a good joke u wrote..

Divya Khanna said...

thank u all for your wishes :)

Akanksha said...

Nice stories!
belated happy bday dear!

Chapters From My Life said...

Awwww just missed wishing you a happy birthday... hope to remember it next year. Anyway here are my belated wishes...

anupama said...

Dear Divya,
Good Morning!
Belated happy birthday!
You know what,April 1st was my birthay too!But not date of birth;we follow star.And I publsihed a post on my birthday!
I had a forward on Aril Fool's day!
Wishing you a wonderful day ahead,

Chandrika Shubham said...

Belated happy B'day and happy fools day. :)

Short Poems said...

Belated Happy B'day Dear Divya :)

Marinela xx

annucool15 said...

u r the second person i came across who's born on 1st april! belated happy b'day

एक बेहद साधारण पाठक said...

cute post :)

AmitL said...

Hi,there..coming via Chandrika's blog...did u read @ the various April Fool pranks played by Co's this yr? I mentioned it in my latest post..(belated April Fools Day,err,Happy Bday..:))

Jayanta Deka said...

funny... first time here and read this... gud... will be back again..
Keep the spark alive...
Cheers Life

MangoMan said...

Happy birthday. Belated.
Happy Fools' Day. Belated.

Dunno about the Romans or the Zimbabweans, I had a wonderful time this Fools' Day. And you sure are lucky. I wish I was born on Apr1!!

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