
well, dont blame me!! its very much possible to ve girlie crush on celebrities... GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS!! what harm is it gonna do neways? they are invincible :P
I had continuous 2 exams that day(i ve the same pattern 2mrw as well)... n i just wanted to get outta that exam mood... nt even an inch i wanted it in me... hence, i collected movies from my frnds... and one of my friends gave me like really contrasting movies... one was serious drama and the other was like raw action... i just thot it would be interesting to explore myself... in the sense what sorta movies i would prefer after all...
The movies were Fight Club(too late i knw!) and The Painted Veil!
I know about Fight Club... and everyone knows i believe... the popular dialogue "when you are suffering from Insomnia, you are never asleep and never awake". The movie was stunningly cool and with good twists... unexpected ones...and i liked the hero then... Edward Norton...not Brad Pitt surprisingly :D
After that i wasnt sleepy at all.. so i started off with TPV... it was written by Somerset Maugham( The Luncheon writer).. It was on Chinese lands... again the same hero.. in very decent form...and he dies in the end (sad!!)
Ultimately, more than the movies i think i appreciated the hero... i was impressed with myself that i can actually watch and enjoy different sorta movies but isn't it really commendable on hero's part to make world-wide audience, like me, enjoy everything about the movies which fall in different genres??? well, yes..indeed!
why am i writing this post in the first place...here goes the answer...
after my national and international worries on Telangana and COP15 Summit... i really wanna write something which talks about myself and which truly entertains me... i mean there is so much to do always(crisis everywhere)... bt there are little things u can do for urself anyday... movies are one such... m not promoting movies here... but come on, they are really a wonderful means of attaining refreshment.. one of my frnds told me that she watches saddest of sad movies when she feels low so as to feel good about herself and brainwash her head... What matters in the end is a peace of mind and solace for urself... so, keep experimenting new stuff for refreshment... trust me, that keeps u lighter than losing 20kg in one go :D :D
On this note,kudos to Edward Norton! :) :)
well.. i think its one of the easily available strategies :)
There was a time i used to watch movies regularly for entertainment. Now slowly given it up...
Ur friend is simply following the policy - So when u r down, look at the ppl below u and when u r chips r above, look at the ppl above u.... that is if it is bad, thanks god that it didnt get worse, and if it is good, think that it cud be still better... Instead of ppl, she is watching movies :)
Oh My God! that was a very fast reply... sorry i had to make a small correction... so deleted and resubmitted...
lol... i ve email notification for comments :)
ed edd eddy :D
sorry his name reminded me of a cartoon which i used to watch some 8-9 years back
the movie fight club reminds me of a grls gang in our coll... entire coll knew them as 'fight club' because of their (mis)adventures...
@ Krishna: wow... seems they are like some charlie's angels or sumthn??
yea hes awesome. try 'American History X', 'Primal Fear', '25th Hour' n 'Illusionist'. u ll never forget Ed again.
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