
People going nuts all around.... I don't understand the reason behind the separation properly! According to whatever information i gathered, Mr.KCR says, AP is being ruled by people from Andhra and Rayalaseema... doesn't he understand that they are also Andhrites for God's sake!
Very little brains are required here to understand the drama done by TRS folks... they want power... n because hyderabad is in Telangana, they wanna claim that as well... its a fact that Hyderabad is a revenue-generator in AP.... bt the abundance of resources in Coastal AP and the power sector in Rayalaseema are just not to be ignored... Coastal Andhra is full of agriculture, plenty of water bodies...... whereas Telangana is a plain land-locked region!
AP has been one of those states in India which has shown continuous growth... this happened not because hyderabad existed... bt coz there is vizag doing trading stuff, fisheries in coastal areas, agri (rice, cotton, sugarcane, groundnuts, mangoes etc) again in coasts, cement, power, mines, Tirupathi etc....
Andhra Pradesh has been on fire for past 2 weeks or more! my Mom and Sis had to come from Bangalore to Hyderabad by bus atleast 10days ago... bt the buses have been on strike continuously! they had to book a flight finally to reach home... these unecessary strikes are such a loss both to civilians and the government... 2weeks of bus strike is a indeed a huge loss to government in terms of revenue accumulation!
Andhra Pradesh got carved out of Tamil Nadu in 1953 for a reason... as all telugites had to be in a single region... but the current scenario is just illogical... A separation results in inefficiencies... politically, economically, culturally and socially.... I just hope this weird idea gets shooed away sooner for everyone's sake!
Divya, I strongly disagree with your post. There is a whole big history behind the agitation. Infact, it started since the Independence. The agitation was started by students in 1969 in Khammam and Osmania. Later Chenna Reddy took over and formed a party. Telangana is land-locked but godavari and krishna flow majorly in this region. There were supposed to have major irrigation projects completed way before but yet 50 yrs have passed and those projects are pending but projects in andhra are completed and new ones are started and those are not new ones but the same ones based on Godavari and Krishna rivers. The totally revenue generated by telangana for AP contributed almost 65% but barely 25% was used for the development. In Whole wide state Telangana is the least developed and hence gradually its contribution to the state has decreased. If how andhra was developed rayalaseema and telangana were developed we'd have many farms, schools, hospitals and hear less about dead farmers,drought and etc. Moreover Majority seats in the assembly are occupied from the costal Andhra. Most of the jobs available in Telangana are alloted majorly to Andhra. The idea of telugu being one isn't true here and has never been. Telangana and Andhra was merged during Nehru times when the then govt decided to form states based on Linguistics and Potti sriramulu fought to have a telugu speaking state and got separated from state of madras. Telangana people were unhappy and wanted a separate since then but they thought it can be worked out being together and they had a "Gentlemen's Agreement" which stated division of power, property and resources. Infact Congress,BJP and TDP all at one point or the other supported for a separate telangana. Forming a new state may not erase the problems but atleast the freedom will be achieved if thats what people of telangana want. New state will have a government of its own and the pressure would be more. Funds will be utilized atleast to a certain extent. But again new state might seem to be a gateway for corruption which i totally agree.
New state doesn't been separation, if thats the case then why do we have states in first place. It should be taken in spirit and not literal words. The pros and cons should be weighed and the decision must be taken which again is a story in itself.
I was just 2 weeks before a total supporter for united andhra pradesh by after going through history thoroughly i felt i don't have a right to ask for either a united andhra pradesh or telangana.. we who are younger than say 40 are not eligibe to opine on this issue especially the hyderabadis...we had way too many comforts that we never bothered what was happening around. People who have lived in telangana(except hyderabad) are the ones who need to speak.
There is a reason for telangana becoming barren. It was due to the neglect of the Govt. They couldnt provide canal irrigation. And due to dugwell irrigation, water table depleted and hence it is barren. Once a section is neglected, they will revolt. There are numerous problems, but partition may not be a solution to it. Development is the solution. Capital investment in irrigation and infra. Also, providing employment opportunities on the way.
@Divya (the one who left the comment in support of Telangana separation). First of all major issues in Telangana you pointed out have been happening in past 50 yrs which you yourself mentioned, but then why was there a separation plan from the beginning itself (1969) even before noticing all these issues - obviously to gain political power. That is what even KCR is doing. He wants power to make more wealth rather than his pure intention to develop Telangana. If you agree that schools, industries, irrigation, hospitals are not provided, how can 65% be obtained from Telangana alone. Can you please show valid sources in support of this statement? Besides for this you should not take into account Hyderabad. Being a capital, automatically huge investments not only from whole state but even from entire country and from abroad pour in. The investment of money, labor and intellect is from whole state - not just Telangana. So treating its income as of Telangana is unfair. For admissions to universities, we have zone wise quotas. For elections of politicians, always we have politicians contesting from their specific zones, so if politicians are voted from their local area, automatically the politicians ratio is adjusted as per the population ratio - which is of course sensible. And parties like BJP etc supported this move not because they felt it is the right thing for the people but because it helps them for elections. Its very disingenuous for anyone to overlook that trivial yet most important reason. KCR himself is known only for fighting for separation but what kind of constructive social service has he done which really helped Telangana to develop? Nothing!! If he was really intending to fast till death - why admit in hospital? Thatz what true patriots and selfless people like Bhagat Singh do. The ill effects of separation? Read this and you will know - ---- Can you find such an exhaustive article which specifies the exact reasons for the need of separation?
Dont just say no hospitals, no education - give specific details - with statistical analysis - and in comparision with andhra and rayalseema. If you want to talk about inefficiency of the current political parties - its something which even I hate and something which I am working for to bring a change in my own way. I hate YSR and Chandra Babu Naidu. But that doesnt mean we bring in even worse KCR. We need to change the political party system in order to make things more transparent, safe etc. Not by breaking the state. In fact you also mentioned that pressure on government will be more if we split - NO, in fact it becomes less competitive for the ruling party - and easily KCR's party will survive very long as he is looked up as hero of telangana. This lack of competition further worsens the performance of the political system. And imagine the chaos in economic system of AP. It causes huge imbalance of the financial system and lack of stability deprives the economy even further - this is a crucial time as state is growing rapidly in economy and AP has been role model for other states. This separation abruptly ends it. We will be a laughing stock for the country. History has proven that integration gives prosperity and division gives corruption. The division will eventually lead to downfall. Even if you realize at that time, it would be too late for going back because already the new government will be rooted strongly and it takes another revolution - break telangana even more!! Most important flaw I saw in people is that - those who support Telangana separation, they are not clear with proper statistics of what is the current issue with Telangana and does separation really is the solution? And regarding OU - I have so many friends in that University. Few good students - rest all - I know. For a techfest they collect funds - before the fest - they eat the money and fight among themselves and cancel the fest. Profs - so neglecting. So much of cheatings in the exams etc. They are easily ignited with pompous but meaningless speeches. And a movement started by them - I really doubt their credibility. If you have any kind of arguments - please be specific with statistical info backing it up.
@Siva(who superficially read my comment)
The reason being, I didn't face the problems people from other telangana regions did. I so much wanted our state to be called just Andhra Pradesh because i grew up in "Andhra Pradesh" and that is no reason ofcourse. But since these bandhs and agitation have come into my picture I started reading about it and felt very bad for the telangana residents.
The reason I mentioned about telangana was because it was missing in her post. Everybody needs to understand why the movement started in first place.
She said "Telangana is a plain land-locked region" which if ofcourse a plain land-locked region with majority of the rivers flowing and about more than half the land cultivable.
Everybody needs to know why such rich soil had shown decline in harvest? Agriculture in fact was the most revenue generator for telangana. Water being a major problem had failed the farmers here for which apparently they blame it for merge of hyderabad state and andhra.
Talk to a certain someone who has grown up and lived in Nalgonda, Medak, Khamman or any Telangana region and find out what they think. I have spoken to few and they all showed their hatred for being together.There were few who didn't care too but then they were the ones settled in Hyderabad.
Regarding the MLAs and MLCs its better left untouched how they come into position. But people under their governance know what it is like. Don't they? Why would they chose and complain against them?
KCR cannot take the credit if anything develops in Telangana. He just started this century. The whole agitation started way before in 1969. The whole idea of being a state even before merging was running since independence, even before the idea of having states based on language. And having a state depending on language is just convenience of allocation by the then central government. Is that how really states should be formed??
here is the link to how the state formed and the aftermath
A clarity about the history I believe will help in having insights of the haps.
I read your(@siva) link couple of days ago, it was an article from Mr.Jayaprakash for whom I have respect from what I know. He had very good points for a united andhra pradesh. But do you think those reasons will help understand people who have been deprived of their rights? The issue is Telangana is not getting what its basic rights are. To address it, people should come up with plans about how it can be resolved, which neither Samayakandhra nor Telangana state supporters are talking about.(Please read in spirit not each as a letter)
That is what they need to know. The time isn't right. What a state needs the most are the right Leaders.
I also wanted to share this link
What I want to convey is we who are in support for development of nation should think further more deep and have an insight of the happenings and if there is something we can do then it is bringing awareness to people who need the most and right now its the people of Telangana.
The sadness is people who are for Samyakandhra are not even addressing issues which started the agitation in first place. They are supposed to propose solutions but not hit hard on their feelings by saying that a new state would effect the economy, cultural and social status. Do they look like they are in a position to care for something like that?
again @siva,
I am from OUCE. Majority of OU students have been born and brought up in other telangana regions and have worked hard to get into OU. They are on par with other Hyderabad born brought up students and they know much better what is happening in their hometown. They hold their right of speech which I am sure can't be given a deafear. This is my opinion and its in response to your comment on OU students.
firstly, thanks to Divya and Siva who contributed very productive information, though contrasting...
i would like to add a point here... the recent over-flowing of rivers in Rayalaseema tells us how very well Telangana is being exploited by Ministers from Andhra and Rayalaseems regions... in spite of the fact that the rivers comin from Maharashtra flows thru telengana, its still considered a very drought area... hence, proves the exploitation!
but the clear reason behind the current agitation is this Political Greed! Separating telangana from rest of AP is no good but just increases everything in the form of taxes etc from rest of AP...
A seperate developmental scheme on Telengana should be put forward to improve it... as its a fact that Coastal regions are nothing widout a city like hyderabad... n we also need our food change in political outlook for a REAL UNITED AP can only change the destiny of our state...
I am against OU student politics! so no take on that!
I totally agree your mention about political greed. I have been looking and asking for whats next on KCR's plan of action and have failed to get reasonable articles.
But because telangana is down with agriculture and costal andhra will lose hyd(which is under debate) the state should not be united. Telangana will start arguing that hyds theirs and will be or something like that and eventually state that nothing to lose by being separated by lose more by being together. They should be let be on track of how they will be developed too as the state develops. The state should be united because it will progress together with everything proportionally progressing.
The irrigation projects must be resumed and show substantial progress. People should be able to get drinking water. And with given economy it is unlikely for such things to happen and would end up as false promises but it can be explained. Something like tentative Gantt's chart should be released. A hope I think is what they need.
Be very careful and thoughtful before you rubbish off the Telengana agitation as just a gimic to gain political power. Telengana is much much bigger issue. Do a lot of reading before posting your views on a vast subject like Telengana. Anyway I agree with the other Divya regarding most the things she has pointed out. Telengana is Neglected, Exploited, Raped, Used and thrown away - There is no denying this fact.
By the way this is for Siva to put up some facts regarding telengana agitation.
I am a neutral, I am not sure if I as a person need seperate telengana state but please dont just blindly rubbish off the telengana exploitation.
@ Sid: whatever u utter, i thank myself for this post of mine.. though oblivious to the situation initially... it indeed helped me get into a bit of this situation!
with my recent comment, i meant Telangana surely under exploitation... and i agree with ur statement in that sense... bt i do consider TRS as some sorta political game! thats my opinion... n some unidentified person(like u) can't change some people's opinion( read siva, divya square), for India is the greatest democratic economy!
I never asked to change anybody's mind on the telengana agitation. My intention was to convey to you that your post did not have the holistic view of the telengana issue. I too agree that, TRS folks are very bad representatives of the telengana rights. Yes their might be political gimic, yes their might be selfish intentions behind this drama - but, we cannot say telengana agitation is not worth because it is done by a party like TRS.
Telangana indeed suffered... bt the underlying point is...telangana region was a history! its Andhra Pradesh now... and whole AP has poverty... and for greater good, let it be united!
If u ask for separation, every other region would come up with a history n would show up their trageic welfare and ask for separation! tht is not a solution at all! In that case you should be claiming that J n K should be a separate country considering its history and its present or whatever!
the solution could be to get a reformation! and quick implementation of plans in the telangana region specifically... and excellent monitoring system on th on-going schemes...
am i dreaming here!! unfortuantely, people like KCR cant be called leaders! and even Central government which is just enjoying the scene happening here!
Every one is being selfish here!
When Vajpayee government made uttarakhand and uttaranchal etc, he had a good reason... to make the administration of those places smooth and also for a better development of those places....
So when it comes to ur telangana that obviously cant be the reason... But when I read some of the comments, I got really confused...
I hope andhrites come to a amicable solution at the earliest...
When two people cannot live together with difference of ideas for some togetherness, let they be separate and raise themselves individually.
The same applies here . Atleast when Telagana forms a separate state , the corrupt business people who occupied lands which cannot be sold/bought under law would come out to facts. These were hidden as govt. is always corrupt. If not the party TRS, there would be pressure on the govt. for the records.
And yes , it would definitely be beneficial to Telaganites and nothing loss to Andharites. Business can definitely be done. Arent Northies coming to B;lore and buying flats and doing businness . The same happens in Hyderabad as well.
United Andhra slogans are jus trash , a slogan to protect their properties in Hyderabad. Sad!!
@ soumi: after u write ur blog, paste ur link the comment list...
>>If u ask for separation, every other region would come up with a history ....
>>the solution could be to get a reformation! and quick implementation of plans in the telangana region specifically...
There had been many plans but none of them was implemented properly due to strong political power of other regions(Andhra). I think you can go through gentleman's agreement, GO610 etc... The need for a seperate state arised due to bad political management, if every region had been developed equally there wouldn't have been an agitation for 50 years. And with the recent incidents its evident that every political party wants to take credit for the events and are playing with people's emotions. Changing our political system would be the best solution.
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