Colors of World Champs....

that morning i had xat...its a different issue how the exam went...dying moments not to be imagined again :P
bt before goin, i had bet wid my dad...India gonna win today!! 73 overs left and 305...!!! bt my dad was standing against me..strong ll be lucky if India escapes with a draw wid 14-player team...i din bother to understand da logic behind...jus hurried to the exam centre...
wen i stepped back home in da afternoon, my dad was banging TV with da cushion(later my state also very much same seeing Ricky on TV!!)
"tht was injustice" screamed seeing me comin..."Ponting was 4th Umpire for the match"...confused, i joined my dad...n tell u, within a few seconds, my mom came out frm kitchen shouting "how come burning smell in da hall!" n i both fuming :P
The news reader saying how Aussies and Umpires were playing so hard together, to finish off the match as soon as possible...and the TV clips, where the notorious skipper giving out and Mr.Benson jus emulating his acts...are enuf to make us,truly emotional Indians, feel the unbearable injustice done!!!
The classy player Gavaskar was staggering to speak out when the world champions' skipper appealing a clear-ground-kissed-catch!!!
Well, being World Champions...they shud be da first ones to teach what sports and sporting spirit all about...they shud be ahead to put forward how important winning is wid all da commitment, toil and self-confidence...its jus da opposite they portrayed in da sydney match...they wanted any it has become their usual excerise to jeer at losers..and they very well showed atleast how-not-to play-cricket...
Mr.Bucknor's umpiring shud be kept as statutory warning for kids-viewing... well, v dont want our kids to fight all the life taking revenges, do we?? ;)
its open for ICC to decide what to do wid Umpires and they ve definitely lost the grand impression which Indians and rest of the world used to ve on then during pre-Ponting era...!!!
India lost da match..ppl sayin India didnt lose, bt Aussie won maintaining illicit Umpire-relationship which is more than match-fixing itself!!
And junta is right...
Play with Pride...!!!! :)
i smashed my TV in a billion pieces watching that match n its cheating.. those umpires are cheaters.. and tht symonds is really wat bhajji called him.. ! huh
pointing shud be hanged till he dies 7-8 times... and the umpires should be sent to electric chair
I din see the match ..I heard what happened .. good job .I agree with u..
I am diguested by world champs!!!
they killed the Spirit of sportsmanshsip!!!!
dats called unity :O
lol...all da comments end up saying...injustice done...!!
i India cudn handle usual :)
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