One month - Postpartum

What a month it has been! A lot of unbelievable learning - postpartum hit on the body, managing tiny (literally) baby, moments of happiness, lots of despair as everything was new, breastfeeding saga and many more. But we have sailed through the first month with days and nights fading into each other and a new routine set up completely around the baby's mood swings! 

First of all, postpartum effects on the body is absolutely underrated and under-explained! I wish someone told me clearly how important it was to do kegels during pregnancy, what will be the possible changes to the body and some parts might never return to normal and we need to cope with the new normal, how, for a few days, we might feel completely helpless with the body - especially with your baby in your arms, how all these can impact you emotionally and you still need to think positive and do your best for you and the baby! All I knew was that the stitches pain would last for 4-6 weeks and other basic things. But I had to go through a lot more which I never knew I would ever go through! All in all - it was a massive experience and I went through a self-learning phase with not much preparation. Although I am not fully recovered yet, I am almost there and one day (soon) it will all be well :-)

The best part of the delivery is, after all, holding your little baby in your hands. She was so tiny that it needs some getting used to. Initially it feels like - what if she gets hurt while changing clothes? Is her temperature going up? Why is she making those sounds? Why is she crying? And many more.. Eventually you learn and the baby grows each day and you build some confidence slowly.. although we are far from gaining full confidence as its been just a month and after all everything will continue to be a new experience with her :-)

People do say that days and nights will merge with the baby - this is completely true as I am up at least 3 times middle of the night and I don't necessary sleep during the day time. It is completely exhausting and I crave for extra pair of hands at least to sit with me and keep me company as the baby doesn't understand you yet - especially at nights as its complete silence. But then this is motherhood and one day I will cherish these alone moments with my baby which may seem hectic and tiring now :-) 

My baby came into the world 4 weeks early so her first humongous task was to pick up weight - it is indeed a pressure on the baby as she is closely monitored by the doctors and the worried parents. My little girl managed to surpass this at the 3rd week mark and now she is steadily growing! But there were several hopeless and hopeful moments that the parents have to go through... and I am certain this is again just the beginning...

Breast-feeding is indeed a big learning curve for the mothers and this one takes first-time mothers into a lot of self questioning. First 2 months are horrendous because you either make it to the supply that the toddler is craving for or you don't. It is not an easy path (for some maybe it is) and it does take a toll especially to wean off formula. The only thing that the mothers can do is to keep trying. My advice to the mothers is to accept the reality at the 8-10 week mark and don't kill themselves. Ultimately your baby needs to be fed in some way or the other and the baby will be all fine in the end as long as the baby eats well :-)

One of the most important things that kept me alive and positive during the first month is my family back in India (both Hyderabad and Delhi) and my dear dear friends who have been rock solid support for me with all the questions had I for them - love you guys for helping me get through the toughest month!! I don't forget my dear husband, of course! :-)

This blog is a simple snapshot of my one month experience and as everything is new to me on the baby growth I want to jot down what I felt during the month so I have a log to look back to and feel grateful for the all the experiences I would have gone through :-)


neena said...

Very nice
Lots of luv and hugs ❤️🤗😘

Soumya said...

Life is a package of joys and tears. A life changing joyful experience is ought to be accompanied by some difficult times, thats how it is 🤷. I wonder how the little one is coping, being out early must have been a one great ordeal for the past one month. My heart goes out to this little helpless soul🥺. Anyway, you guys made through it, congratulations to the parents, the family and friends and the lovely Ti ofcourse ! 🥳🥳

noopur said...

Indeed every day is new experience in the motherhood journey.. its tiring yet so joyful.. enjoy evry moment as this time will fly soon before you even realise :)

Vandita said...

The new mommies are so overwhelmed with motherhood - joys, pain, latching, feeding, sleep deprivation, and poop!
That they forget talking about what they go through.
Motherhood isn't easy and equally tough it is for the new baby to adjust to her new environment, crying all the time to make herself heard.

And as moments slip by and days turn to months and months to years - this tough part becomes a hazy memory.
Parents are too occupied in taking care of their children that they tend to forget what happened yesterday.
As they prepare themselves for newer challenges - even tougher than the previous ones.
No wonder - post partum depression, post partum physiological changes, and other issues don't squeeze into minimal conversations new parents have with other humans. Because tiny humans take up all that space.

I am glad your tiny human is giving you little moments to record your experiences.
Frankly, I can not imagine how you manage to write an in-depth notes, with just a month into motherhood.

I hope you keep doing that!
And, yes there is more to come.
The journey has just begun.

Happy 1 T

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